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Main / Greeting


 Dear friends,

There are places in Belarus which radiate unique spiritual power and beauty. The Tolochin region is one of them. This is the area of forests and rivers where hardworking people live. Everyone who lives here feels his close connection with the native land, with hundreds of the generations who worked on this land and protected it from the enemies.

The history of the region is closely connected with the history of the country. The region witnessed hundreds of invasions but the locals had never bowed down before the enemy. Our land keeps a lot of testimonies of valor and courage of our ancestors. During World War II ten natives of the region were given the Title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

The Tolochin region is proud of its countrymen who have achieved success in other areas. Artists, poets and writers, scientists and engineers, professors and farmers are among these people.  Every one of them made a great contribution to make our region richer, more beautiful and cozier.

Today, the Tolochin region is among the leaders of the Vitebsk oblast in the agricultural industry. It has unique companies which produce excavators, land-reclamation machinery, plastic pipes. Today the region is reconstructing the local butter and cheese-making plant. The Tolochin region has constructed three agro-towns; two more agro-towns are to be commissioned soon. 

The region puts into business and social sphere development. Yet there are still many problems to be addressed. The work continues in all areas from housing construction, reconstruction of production facilities to community development in Tolochin and Kokhanovo.

We see even greater potential in people, their talents and desires. Our duty is to use it for the welfare of the country.


The chairman of the Tolochin Regional executive Committee,
Alexander Mareiko