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The court of the Vitebsk district sentenced the ex-director of one of the leading enterprises of the region in the case of corruption crimes

By the verdict of the court of the Vitebsk region, the ex-director of one of the leading enterprises of the region for corruption crimes was sentenced to four years in prison with a fine of three thousand basic units (126 thousand rubles) with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for 5 years.

At the same time, in accordance with Article 77 of the Criminal Code, the court postponed the execution of the main punishment in the form of imprisonment for three years, taking into account the personality of the accused, his characteristics, and gratitude related to professional activities. At the same time, according to the court, the defendant as an official has completely discredited himself, so there is no reason to postpone the application of additional punishments in the form of a fine and deprivation of rights.

The court found the ex-head guilty of all episodes of the charge of abuse of office for mercenary or other personal interest, as well as embezzlement by abuse of office (Part 2 of Article 426 of the Criminal Code, Parts 2 and 3 of Article 210 of the Criminal Code).

The accused, being the director (later the general director) of the OJSC, in the period from September 1, 2020 to March 26, 2021, created unjustified benefits and privileges in the acquisition of an apartment in Minsk for his future wife, owned by a subsidiary of the joint-stock company, lower than its original cost by 2.6 thousand rubles. Also, the ex-head purchased furniture, household appliances and interior items for this apartment at the expense of OJSC in the amount of over 14 thousand rubles.

Another episode is related to the car owned and used by his future wife. The man, through abuse of office, committed theft of funds of OJSC in the amount of about 2.7 thousand rubles, pasting over part of the car with an anti-gravel film.

After the verdict was announced, the man was released from custody in the courtroom, the measure of restraint was changed to a recognizance not to leave and proper behavior - until the sentence comes into force.

Thus, the "unique case of the leader of the new formation" is coming to an end, as the defendant himself assessed the process in his last word. By the way, during the trial, he spoke about himself mainly in the third person, and in the last word he even compared himself to Chatsky from the famous comedy by Alexander Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". According to him, he reread this work in the pre-trial detention center "almost every day, I even learned it by heart." Once again, he mentioned the literary character "in bundle" with himself towards the end of the last word, which he pronounced for about 50 minutes. In the place where he asked the court not to deprive him of his liberty and to give him the opportunity to return to normal life and use his experience and knowledge for the benefit of the country: "... like Chatsky - to leave Moscow and take care of his estate..."

The trial, which lasted almost three months, turned out to be full of various events that could have confused an outside observer. The accused exercised the right not to testify in court, which is why the procedure for conducting the judicial investigation was changed. At the same time, expressing his attitude to the accusation, the ex-leader fully admitted his guilt and repented of what he had done. In addition, he compensated for the damage to the enterprise, made criminal compensation. Even before the sentencing, the man sent a personal petition for pardon to the President of Belarus. However, this did not prevent the lawyers from insisting in the debate on the lack of proof of crimes and the need to acquit the client.

After the appearance of the Vitbichi correspondent in the courtroom, the former top manager filed a motion for further trial in a closed court session. Motive: to exclude the possibility of disclosure of commercial and other secrets protected by law related to the activities of the enterprise, as well as to preserve the data of the private life of the accused. The court recognized the petition as unfounded and recalled that it has no right to remove anyone from the courtroom without proper grounds.