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Natallia Kachanova: "Everything that is done in our country has been traditional for us, Belarusians, who are distinguished by high spirituality" from time immemorial

Chairperson of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Natalya Kochanova summed up the results of the thematic meeting "Conversation about Important Things: Happy Family – Strong State".

"Communicating with families, I made a few notes for myself that are in tune with our society. The meeting showed that there are no issues that need to be discussed again. It must be said that everything that is done in our country has been traditional for us, Belarusians, who are distinguished by high spirituality, from time immemorial. Families openly shared their opinions and suggestions. In particular, about the status of a woman who should remain a woman. That is, to correspond to the purpose that is laid down in it. We will talk about this in the Belarusian Women's Union, of which I am a member. This should become one of the fundamental activities of this public organization," Natalya Kochanova said.

The Chairperson of the Council of the Republic stressed that the support of families, childhood, motherhood and fatherhood, all measures taken in the country are aimed at ensuring that Belarusian families are strong.

According to opinion polls, the average Belarusian dreams of a family with two or three children. Today, every third family has two children. There are almost 70% more large families, and in general there are more than 122 thousand of them in the country, according to the criterion of favorable conditions for motherhood and childbirth, Belarus ranks 25th among 179 countries of the world and first among the CIS countries.

In Belarus, a great role is given to the legislative framework for the preservation of traditional family values. The participation of representatives of local authorities, heads of enterprises, and public organizations is no less important. It is necessary to create legal attitudes towards the family as a key institution of civil society. Socially active, positive, purposeful families, in which people who are devoted to their land, their people, their state, who have principles, beliefs and faith live, are the support of the state in the consolidation of society and the key to the further dynamic development of our country, the speaker is convinced.

Addressing the clergy, Natallia Kachanava said:

"Our joint efforts are aimed primarily at caring for people and helping those in need, preserving traditional values, educating society spiritually and morally, and strengthening the ideological foundations of Belarusian statehood.

The Chairperson of the Council of the Republic stressed that family policy should become one of the main directions of state and public activities.

"Let all marriage and family relations in our country be with a quality mark, and family traditional values be the national brand of Belarus," the speaker summed up.

Natalya Kochanova presented the Gratitude of the Chairperson of the Council of the Republic to those who have distinguished themselves in the education of the younger generation and the promotion of family values. Among the awardees is the director of the Senno orphanage Anna Brovko.

At the end of the event, a festive concert was held.