An additional room for visitors to the department of social rehabilitation, habilitation of the disabled of the TCSON of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Vitebsk was opened on Revolutsionnaya Street, 8.
The head of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district, Alexander Sysoev, noted at the opening ceremony that such an event, of course, is very important for the district and the city as a whole. This is another confirmation that our society has already reached sufficient maturity in a state that pursues a social policy, pays attention and provides assistance to absolutely every person, regardless of his status.
Housewarming became possible thanks to the help of the city, district authorities, social partners, many public associations, religious, charitable organizations.
"The department itself was opened in 2007 and about 25 people with disabilities used its services at that time. Today, there are already 85 of them, and we all understood perfectly well that it became not entirely comfortable for its visitors to provide socialization and rehabilitation services in the areas that the department had," said Alexander Sysoev. "Therefore, it was decided to transfer the empty premises at 8 Revolutsionnaya Street to the center, which was supported by the Vitebsk City Executive Committee, the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Regional Executive Committee. Now very important work will be carried out here, primarily on the rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people with multiple and severe developmental disorders.
Indeed, on the example of the day care department for the disabled of the Zheleznodorozhny District Center for the Disabled, it is possible to trace how work with people of this category has developed, how the methods of effective rehabilitation and socialization of such citizens in society have been improved, innovations have been introduced and experience has been borrowed.
If in 2007 in this department visitors were engaged in 7 circles in such areas as musical development, social and domestic education, arts and crafts, today in the day care department for the disabled (in 2023 renamed the department of social rehabilitation, habilitation of the disabled) there are 17 circles, 7 clubs and 6 rehabilitation and labor workshops, in which 85 citizens with disabilities are rehabilitated. Of these, 27 have severe and multiple developmental disorders, which requires special attention to them, ensuring appropriate conditions for their full and equal participation in the life of society.
The branch on Revolutsionnaya Street, 8 will have offices for cultural events, the implementation of leisure programs (cognitive, educational and others). Art therapy will help solve many problems. In working with people with severe and multiple developmental disorders, various types of it are used: music therapy, film therapy, game therapy, in the creative workshop "Bright Colors" - art therapy. Visitors will find rehabilitation rooms through adaptive physical education, social and psychological rehabilitation, social and domestic habilitation (home economics and self-care).
All hygienic conditions have been created for the stay of people with disabilities within these walls, a specially equipped bathroom has all the necessary devices, the inscriptions on all signs, signs are duplicated in Braille.
Ekaterina Zheleznitskaya, Director of the Center for Social Services of the Zheleznodorozhny District, noted that the opening of an additional room for the Department of Social Rehabilitation, Habilitation of People with Disabilities will also allow holding seminars and training courses that will help introduce innovative forms of work with people with disabilities, especially those with multiple and severe developmental disorders.
Together with religious organizations, in the second half of this year, it is planned to implement the Ecosmak project in this department for the production of healthy foods, healthy products, sweets, such as marshmallows, marshmallows and others.
The housewarming party was not without pleasant surprises: friends and social partners presented a vacuum cleaner, warm blankets, and other useful things.
The holiday was shared with the specialists of the center by Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Regional Executive Committee Vera Astapenko, Chairman of the Board of the Vitebsk Regional Public Association "Belarusian Peace Foundation" Tatyana Tumanova, Chairman of the Primary Organization of the City of Vitebsk Public Association "Belarusian Association of Assistance to Disabled Children and Young People with Disabilities" Lilia Matievskaya, representatives of the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Red Society Cross, religious and charitable organizations.