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The butter and cheese factory in Verkhnedvinsk, the cannery in Glubokoye and BELAZ became the enterprises most visited by tourists - members of the trade union of health workers of the Vitebsk region in the first half of 2024. This was reported to BelTA by the regional committee of the industry trade union. About 40% of the total number of trips for the first half of the year, and a total of 91 of them were organized, fell on May and June. Doctors of the region dedicated their...
According to the regional agricultural production, to date, 120 thousand hectares have been harvested, 293.3 thousand tons have been threshed with a yield of 24.4 c / ha, the best indicator is in Vitebsk - 35.2 c / ha and Orsha (35 c / ha) districts. Winter rapeseed was harvested on  29.4 thousand hectares (86.5%),  41.9 thousand tons of  seed oil were obtained, the yield was  14.2 c / ha . Also, the combines have to thresh a few hectares of seeds of early cereal grasses (...
We sincerely congratulate you on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the trade bodies of Belarus! Performing a social function, trade is the most important branch of the economy, on which the stability in society and the well-being of citizens largely depend. The joint work of the management bodies, trade and industry enterprises of the region, the combination of economic and administrative measures taken in the republic and the region, made it possible to bring...
According to experts, the gross harvest of grain and leguminous crops this year will amount to 900 thousand tons, this was discussed at a meeting of the regional executive committee dedicated to the organization of harvesting and sowing of winter crops. The Minister of Agriculture and Food of Belarus  Anatoly Linevich , the head of state's commissioner for the Vitebsk region, took part in the discussion of the topical topic. Opening the meeting, the chairman of the regional...
Dear colleagues, veterans! The Belarusian rescue service has gone through a colossal path of formation and development. For more than 170 years of history, the craft of firefighters in the fight against fire has become the basis for the creation of a highly professional round-the-clock response service to any emergency situations of natural and man-made nature. Today, rescuers are ready to eliminate various incidents on land, in water and in the air. Modern emergency rescue...

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