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The cooperation agreement was signed by representatives of the Vitebsk, Pskov, Smolensk and Novgorod trade union centers

The cooperation agreement was signed by representatives of the Vitebsk, Pskov, Smolensk and Novgorod trade union centers.

As the chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Association of Trade Unions Yuri Derkach noted, joint work has been going on for 30 years, when the agreement between the trade unions of the Vitebsk and Smolensk regions was signed for the first time. It was these regions of the two fraternal countries that stood at the origins of the creation of the trade union movement.

"Our cooperation will now receive a new impetus for development," Yuriy Derkach emphasized. "In addition to the interaction of trade union activists, the exchange of experience, we plan to implement important projects for the 80th anniversary of the Victory. Particular emphasis will be placed on working with young people, because this is our future. Also, trade union colleagues from the Russian Federation are interested in the work carried out by the prosecutor's office of our country in the investigation of the criminal case of genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

According to the chairman of the Union "Smolensk Regional Association of Trade Union Organizations Evgeny Maksimenko", the trade union centers will work in close cooperation during visits and improvement of military burials, conducting lessons of courage, which is especially important now. This year marks the 120th anniversary of trade unions in Russia, and in this direction the parties intend to find common ground.

Later, the participants of the meeting honored the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War and laid flowers at the Eternal Flame of the memorial complex in honor of Soviet soldiers-liberators, partisans and underground fighters of the Vitebsk region on Victory Square.

During the meeting of the chairmen of the Vitebsk, Pskov, Smolensk and Novgorod trade union centers with the Deputy Chairman of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee Vyacheslav Durnov, the regional executive committee discussed the development of further cooperation in promising areas, which will contribute to the exchange of experience and mutual enrichment.

"Close fruitful work has been established between the regional trade union organization and the regional executive committee. I am convinced that the arrival of colleagues from the Russian Federation will allow us to further combine joint efforts, best practices and existing experience for the benefit of trade union members. Moreover, we have a lot to learn from each other," Vyacheslav Durnov emphasized.

During the conversation, it was noted that the experience of the work of coordination councils, which the trade unions of Russia were able to study in Orsha, was very useful for colleagues from the Smolensk region.