Main / Economy / Investments


 In 2006, some Br32.9 billion worth of investment was injected into the regional economy and social sphere. The main sources of financing sources were companies and bank loans accounting for Br20.6 billion, or 62.6% of all sources. The share of the budget financing made up 33.7%. Major investments (Br15.8 billion, or 48%) were assigned for purchasing trucks, equipment, transport vehicles. Construction and assembly jobs accounts for 41%. 

The Tolochin-based Butter and Cheese-Making Plant has developed the business-plan of the Br5.7bn investment project “Reconstruction of the whole milk shop, purchasing, assembling and launching the technological equipment for fat cheese production”. The implementation of the project will allow the plant to increase cheese production up to 4 tonnes per shift. 

These are mostly agricultural companies which are pressed to carry out investment activity.