Main / Social sphere / Healthcare


 The network of health care establishments in the Tolochin region features the Tolochin central regional hospital (170 beds), the Tolochin regional polyclinic (375 visits per shift), the Kokhanovo regional hospital (65 beds), the Kokhanovo polyclinic (300 visits per shift), the Oboltsy hospital (15 beds) and a dispensary (45 visits per shift), the Slavnoe hospital (20 beds) and a dispensary (25 visits per shift), the Volosovo rural dispensary (25 visits per shift), the Vorontsevichi rural dispensary (25 visits per shift), the Serkovitsy rural dispensary (25 visits per shift), 16 medical attendant and obstetrician centers.

In 2006, the regional health care industry achieved positive results in
- stabilizing the death rate;
- reaching the optimal birth rate;
-increasing the number of doctor’s visits and reducing the calls to the emergency service;
- ensuring 100% X-ray checkup of the population.

In 2006, the Tolochin regional polyclinic was fitted with the special equipment to examine cardiovascular system “Polyspectrum” and a rheographic unit to examine system and regional blood flow.